Monday, November 26, 2012

Event: FOCUS Greek Presents Dr. Pia - Theology of the Body

Who: Dr. Pia de Solenni. She is an ethicist and moral theologian who speaks and writes on a variety of cultural and moral issues. Her expertise covers issues relating to women's health, life issues, and bioethics. Her work has appeared in various publications including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Associated Press. She is a frequent commentator on MSNBC, FOX, CNN, and other nationally televised programs.

What: an exciting talk on Theology of the Body! Theology of the Body is Blessed John Paul II's vision of the human person - body, soul, and spirit. His message of hope counteracts the societal trends that urge us to view the body as an object of pleasure or machine for manipulation. JPII portrays a beautiful vision of sexuality and encourages a reverence for this gift. He challenges us to live it in a way worthy of our dignity as human persons. 

Where: UNL Newman Center, Downstairs

When: Tuesday, November 27. 8:00pm

Snacks and drinks will be provided! Hope to see you there!

SEEK 2013 Travel

If you are a student who is attending SEEK and DO NOT attend UNL and are planning on traveling with us, please contact so we can make sure you are accounted for!

Similarly, if you are a UNL student and you know of someone who does not attend UNL and is planning on traveling with us to SEEK, have them contact Michelle!

Thanks :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Upper Room

Who: FOCUS Student Leaders

What: Our monthly required meeting. We will start with a holy hour and will follow with formation, fellowship, and food. Jim will be talking about his trip to Rome for the Synod on the New Evangelization. We will be discussing our roles as the pioneers of the new evangelization and how to reach souls on this campus!

Where: Newman (this is a change!)

When: Friday, November 16th, 7:00pm

Let the missionary at the top of your chain know if you're coming or if you have any questions!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Event: Vicki Thorn

Thursday, November 8 @ 7pm in the FOCUS Building!

Vicki Thorn will be back this Thursday! She will come to speak to us about how technology is destroying our ability to relate to ourselves and others and human beings. Social Media has become so central to our society and she will help us discover how dependent we have become through her eye opening insights and scientific research!

This event is open to all UNL Students! Bring your friends.

Welcome to the Blog!

Hey UNL Students!

We're glad you found us! Your FOCUS Team has been looking for a place to share all of our essential information. Since facebook groups, posts, and events seem to be white noise these days, we thought we'd send you here!

Our hope is that this site will become one you frequent. Check back for events, SEEK information, announcements, stories from missionaries, and so much more!

Thanks for being awesome! God Bless You!