That sentence alone should be enough to get your butts there, but if you need more convincing, here are 10 reasons why you should come on September 9, at 8:30 to hear him speak.
10. He is from Australia and has an Australian accent.
That one is pretty self explanatory.
9. He is a prolific writer.
He has written a ton of very successful books like;
"Rediscover Catholicism", "The 7 Levels of Intimacy", "The Rhythm of Life", "The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic"
8. And he gives them away for cheap so that Catholics all over the place can have these resources.
You can check out his website here to investigate said resources.
AND if you come to the event you get a FREE COPY of "Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic" and the chance to have Matthew Kelly sign it!
7. He is an entertaining, dynamic, and engaging speaker.
Catholics are all about speakers and sometimes well-meaning speakers can be a little dry, but not Matt (we are not on an actual first name basis). You can check out the Dynamic Catholic YouTube channel to listen to some snippets of his talk about the 7 pillars of Catholicism.
6. He has audio CDs that I actually listen to.
I always want to listen to motivation speakers in the car instead of the Top 40 garbage but rarely do I make it past the introductions of these CDs. But I've listened to almost every single one of Matthew Kelly's talks. You can check out excerpts via Lighthouse Catholic Media's website.
5. He reaches a wide audience.
It doesn't matter if you've been to Catholic school your whole life, have a degree in Theology, just became Catholic, or aren't Catholic at all; the way Matthew Kelly speaks gets right to the heart of things regardless of where you are in your faith journey. Who doesn't want to become the best version of themselves?
5a. So bring your Bible study, friends, dorm mates, roommates, class mates, family, neighbors, etc.
4. He is a partner for Floyd Consulting
Floyd Consulting is a consulting company based out of Chicago that helps business create the best version of themselves through goal setting, training, retreat, speakers (like Matthew Kelly), and creating a balanced work life.
3. But seriously it's a big deal
Here is a very impressive list of many of the companies (many of them Fortune 500) who use Floyd Consulting.
2. He says great things like this:
In an Interview for Catholic Digest (whole interview found here)
"What advice would you give to a Catholic struggling with the Church today?
Explore it. Most people don’t understand what it is. If there’s any issue that you massively disagree with, delve into that. There are answers there. Our personal biases and prejudices get in the way. Most of the time when we’re saying the Church is wrong, we’re just saying it’s inconvenient. That doesn’t mean it’s not true."
1. And things like this:
“The notion of freedom proclaimed by the modern world is anti-discipline. But true freedom cannot be separated from discipline.” Rediscover Catholicism
“Many people falsely believe that if you want to be holy, you are not allowed to enjoy life...Holiness brings us to life. It refines every human ability. Holiness doesn't dampen our emotions; it elevates them. Those who respond to God's call to holiness are the most joyful people in history. They have a richer, more abundant experience of life, and they love more deeply than most people can every imagine. They enjoy life, all of life.” Rediscover Catholicism.
In general, we are extremely fortunate that Matthew Kelly will be visiting our campus with all his wisdom and Australian accent-ness.
So we will see you on Monday, September 9 at 8:30 in the Union Ballroom. If you have any questions you can ask any FOCUS missionary or you can email me at !
Sounds awesome! You know I'll be there!!!